Right Click to Create New File on Mac OS X
Windows has a lot of cons but it has also some pros. One of them is a smooth way to create empty file on right-click. Mac OS doesn’t come with this feature by default, but you can integrate it with just one line of code… Or you can download New File Menu Free created by Coral Wu.
How to
- Open “Automator.app” , which is installed on you mac by default.
- Then you click File -> New or with keyboard shortcut ⌘N.
- Choose Quick Action as a type for your document.
- Now under Library -> Utilities double click or drag from left pane Run AppleScript.
- Now write promised one line of code:
tell application "Finder" to make new file at (the target of the front window) as alias
- Now just save or export and you are done

You should end up with something similar to this screenshot
Now when you right-click on file/folder you should see + New File option under Quick Actions menu.

Right Click to Create New File Screenshot
Can’t do it yourself? Don’t worry you can download New File Menu Free created by Coral Wu.